"What I find most valuable about the BSC – Risk Management program as I reflect on my studies 3 years after graduation is that the program has equipped me with necessary analytical and statistical capabilities to understand the whys and hows behind the financial theorems and metrics. In my current job as a corporate banking associate, on daily basis I would need to deal with different products and clients with different risk profiles. While I’m not expected to develop my own models for risk measurement, it’s crucial to understand the risks associated with each client/product and how it’s being measured and reflected into various metrics. In the banking industry or the financial industry in broader sense, having a general understanding of different risk types arising from various types of investments, and at the same time having the capability to deep dive into technicalities of managing / hedging risk effectively would be very important and valuable skillsets that Risk Management students are privileged to have.
In addition, similar to all other programs offered by HKU, there is much flexibility on electives / second major or minor selection, where students may select courses as they like to supplement necessary skillsets for their ideal career or fulfill personal interests. Student can also conduct research guided by experienced professors under SAAS Risk Management program if they want to pursue further studies, or undertake internships as supported by the faculty if they would like to start their career journey sooner. I was lucky enough to try both research and internships during my 4 years at HKU as supported by the faculty and those experiences had indeed helped me make informed decisions on my career path after graduation. I have no regrets for my time spent in HKU under BSC Risk Management program and do hope that you could feel the same and explore your 'possibilities' as well."