HKU HKU Dept of Statistics & Actuarial Science, HKU

Exchange and EL

We encourage students to participate in exchange study and experiential learning (EL) activities. There are different programmes organised by the Department, Faculty and the University.


 Overseas Experiential Learning Activities

  1. HKU-ENSAI Exchange and Interaction Programme

  2. In collaboration with the National School for Statistics and Data Analysis (Ecole Nationale de la Statistique et de l'Analyse de l'Information) (ENSAI), the programme allows students to explore both the academic and cultural environments in Rennes, France. Other than the statistical workshops, excursion to famous historic places such as Saint Malo, Mont Saint Michel and Fougeres will be organised, allowing students to have a taste of different lifestyle, learning environment and broader horizons.

  3. HKU-ZIRI Summer Innovation Camp

  4. In collaboration with the HKU-Zhejiang Institute of Research and Innovation (HKU-ZIRI), the activity aims to provide undergraduate students with hands-on experiences in statistical learning and computation. The experiential and cultural activities will also allow students to explore the technological and financial industries through visiting different famous firms. This will give them an opportunity to think well before their graduation how to relate the academic learning in the university to their future possible endeavors.

These Overseas Experiential Learning Activities are usually of 2-week duration and organised at departmental level in the summer with a quota. Eligible students will be notified of the application details by email nearer to the time.

On the other hand, students may consider the following exchange programmes for an even bigger international experience.


 Faculty Exchange Programme (click HERE for details)


 HKU Worldwide Undergraduate Student Exchange Programme (click HERE for details)


 Application for credit transfer

Students may apply for credit transfer in the above exchange programmes. For transferring credits gained at host institutions to HKU as APAI / STAT credits, here are the procedures:

    For Science Students

    Please complete the online application form on “Online Credit Transfer Application System” at the Faculty of Science’s website and upload to the system with all required documents before the start of your exchange programme. The concerned departments will consider your application for credit transfer on a case-by-case basis.

    For Non-Science Students

    Please consult with your home Faculty/Department for the procedure of application for transfer of credits. You can first select the equivalent courses based on the course description, course outline, syllabus, etc. You should submit your complete application via your home Faculty/Department, who will forward your application to us for consideration on a case-by-case basis. It is not necessary to contact us direct unless otherwise instructed.


The final decision on the application result shall be at the discretion of the Faculty of Science and Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science.


 Useful Information

  1. APAI / STAT course details:

  2. Faculty of Science – Online Syllabuses (Major, Minor & Courses)
    Please click "Check Course Details" and type "APAI" / "STAT" in the "Course Code" box in order to view the list of all APAI / STAT courses.) All APAI / STAT courses will be displayed on the website.

  3. Outgoing exchange - course equivalence database:
  4. Note:
    This database is for your reference only. It contains information regarding the equivalency of the courses taken at different host universities for students going out for exchange in the past three years. Approval for course equivalency and transferred credits would be considered on a case-by-case basis. You are still required to submit updated and detailed information about the courses (e.g. course descriptions including topics covered, total number of contact hours, levels, recommended textbook etc.) at the time when you submit your application for transfer of credits. You may take courses that are not covered in this database, subject to the final approval from the Faculty. You should note that only the hard copy provided by the host university or the downloaded version from its official website will be acceptable as your supporting documents.

  5. For Enquiry:

  6. (General)
    Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science

    (Credit transfer coordinator for actuarial science courses e.g. STATx9xx)
    Prof. Tim J. Boonen

    (Credit transfer coordinator for statistics courses e.g. STATx6xx)
    Prof. C. Wang

    (Credit transfer coordinator for applied artificial intelligence courses e.g. STAT1005, APAIxxxx)
    Prof. L.Q. Qu