We develop mathematical and artificial intelligence algorithms and tools for image processing, voice-to-text recognition, object recognition, detection, mapping and searching. We combine ontology, natural language processing, name entity recognition, semantic network, image analysis techniques together for video analysis, indexing and searching. We do consultancy for video theme detection, metadata analysis, content analysis, text summarisation, image and video analysis in medicine, banking, business, customer relationship management, marketing, criminal justice and surveillance, etc.

Recent Development

  • "Smart Home/Elderly/Child Safety Monitoring System (market insights exchange" with Market Insight by Visual Real Capital and local experts
  • "AI-based Video Analytics for Monitoring Patient Risk: Using YoLov5 for Motion Detection" with healthcare experts of QMH

    Image/Video Analytics

  • LIU, C., CUI, J., GAN, D., and YIN, G. (2021). Beyond COVID-19 Diagnosis: Prognosis with Hierarchical Graph Representation Learning The 24th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2021)
  • YOU, Jia, et al. (2019). Automated Segmentation for Hyperdense Middle Cerebral Artery Sign in Non-Contrast CT. Poster presentation at International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI'19).
  • ZHAO, Jian-Hua, et al. (2012). Bilinear probabilistic principal component analysis. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 23(3), 492-503.
  • ZHAO, Jian-Hua, et al. (2012). Separable linear discriminant analysis. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 56(12), 4290-4300.
  • ZHAO, Jian-Hua, et al. (2008). Fast ML estimation for the mixture of factor analyzers via an ECM algorithm. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 19(11), 1956-1961.