HKU HKU Dept of Statistics & Actuarial Science, HKU

Facilities and Resources

 Computing Laboratory


The Department is well supplied with computing facilities. There is a departmental computer laboratory for teaching and research. The computer laboratory is equipped with 56 computers, all connected to high-performance servers for simulation. Our staff and students have access to various statistical and mathematical software such as SAS, SPSS, MATLAB, R, Python, etc, whilst software for writing scientific manuscripts such as TeX and MS Office are also provided. Other facilities include the networked printer, multifunction photocopiers, etc. With the GPU specific high-speed servers and enhanced capacity of our Storage Area Network, the computer laboratory has been actively used to leverage collected data to support teaching and research in different areas.

  • The Departmental Computer Laboratory Opening Hours (RR101)

     Departmental Library

    Departmental Library 

    Apart from the University Library which subscribes to most reputable statistical journals, and has a comprehensive up-to-date collection of statistical and actuarial science books, there is also a growing departmental library with over 5,000 books and journals.

  • The Departmental Library index system (For staff only)