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Adela S.M. LAU
BEng(CityU), MSc(HK); PhD(CUHK)
Office | : |
Rm 237, Run Run Shaw Building |
Email | : |
adelalau@hku.hk |
Phone | : |
(852) 3917-8158 |
Fax | : |
(852) 2858-9041 |
- Social Media and Big Data Analytics
- Artificial Intelligence and Business/Health Informatics
- Video Analytics, AI chatbot, and Metaverse
- Risk Management and Business intelligence
- E-learning and Knowledge Management
- IS adoption, E-business Strategies and Applications (Healthcare, Finance, Marketing, and Supply Chain Management)
Dr Adela Lau is a Lecturer of Data Science at Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science of University of Hong Kong. Dr Lau published over 40 journal and conference papers and funded over 30 research and industrial collaboration and consultancy projects in the area of machine learning, business intelligence, text analysis, network analysis, social media and big data analytics, AI and Mixed Reality in metaverse, intelligence applications, risk management, information system adoption, ontology/taxonomy building, business process re-engineering, portal design, knowledge management, e-learning, public/community health studies, healthcare systems and nursing clinical quality control & assessment. She gained several awards including NANDA Foundation Research Grant Award (USA), Faculty Merit Award in Services (HK), and Inaugural Teaching and Learning Showcase Award (HK). She was the former director of Center for Business Development at Madonna University in USA, and the co-director of the Center for Integrative Digital Health at Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) and leaded the IT team for healthcare product innovation. Dr Lau was an active committee member of Knowledge Management Research Center at PolyU and Data Science Center at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), in which she initiated and developed industrial applied-research consultancy projects. She was also the UG coordinator of the Risk Management and Business Intelligence Program at HKUST, and was responsible to lead, execute, and coordinate the program works including curriculum design, enrichment programs, and administration across three schools of business, science, and engineering.
2010 NANDA Foundation Research Grant Award (USA - international open competition)
2009 Inaugural Teaching and Learning Showcase Award, PolyU
2007 Faculty Merit Award in Services, PolyU
H Index = 10
Citation = 750
AI in Finance and Business
L. Cheung, Y. Wang, Adela S.M. Lau, and R.M.C., Chan. Using a Novel Clustered 3D-CNN Model for Improving Crop Future Price Prediction, Knowledge-based System (impact factor 8.139),Vol 260, e110133, 2023 (Cited by 4). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.knosys.2022.110133.
Adela SM Lau & Nidhal Bouazizi, "Big Data Analytics for International Market Expansion: Case Studies in ExporTech", International Journal of Knowledge Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 2, p.40-46, 2020. https://doi.org/10.18178/ijke.2019.5.2.115.
Adela Lau, J. Yen & P.Y.K. Chau, "Adoption of On-line Trading in Hong Kong Financial Market", Journal of Electronic Commerce Research (impact factor 5.27), Vol 2., p.58-65, Vol. 2, Number 2, 2001 (Cited by 108).
AI in Medicine
Noura Khreis, Adela S.M. Lau, Ahmed Al-jedai, Salma M. Al-Khani, and Ezdehar H. Alruwaili, An Evaluation of Clinical Decision Support and Use of Machine Learning to Reduce Alert Fatigue, International Journal of Computer and Communication Engineering, 8(1), p.32-39, 2019. https://doi.org/10.17706/IJCCE.2019.8.1.32-39.
Adela S.M. Lau, Kristine Baker, Katherine Kempf, Katie Schwalm, Sijuade Oke, Eric Tsui, Liege Cheung, Marie-Claire Slama, and Min Su, “Can AI Unravel Consumers’ Preferences on Health Care Services?:A Case Study of Zocdoc for Consumers’ Health Care Services Analysis”, Adaptive HMIS, 2019.
Adela Lau, “Hospital-Based Nurses’ Perceptions of the Adoption of Web 2.0 Tools for Knowledge Sharing, Learning, Social Interaction and the Production of Collective Intelligence”, Journal of Medical Internet Research (impact factor 7.077), Vol 13, No 4, e92, p.1-12, 2011 (Cited by 116) https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.1398.
Adela Lau, “Implementation of an onto-wiki toolkit using web services to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of medical ontology co-authoring and analysis “Informatics for Health and Social Care (impact factor 3.082) – (Former journal name: Medical Informatics and the Internet in Medicine), Vol. 34, No. 1, p.73 - 80, 2009 (Cited by 10). https://doi.org/10.1080/17538150902779543.
Ontology and Text Analysis
E. Tsui, W.M. Wang, C.F. Cheung, and Adela S.M. Lau, “A Concept-Relationship Acquisition and Inference Approach for Hierarchical Taxonomy Construction from Tags”, Information Processing & Management (impact factor 7.466), Vol. 46, Issue 1, p.44-57, 2010 (Cited by 93). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ipm.2009.05.009.
Adela Lau, E.Tsui & WB Lee, “An Ontology-based Similarity Measurement for Problem-based Case Reasoning”, Expert systems and Application (impact factor 8.665), Vol. 36, Issue 3, Part II, p.6574-6579, 2009 (Cited by 57). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2008.07.033.
AI and KM in Education
Adela Lau & E. Tsui, “Knowledge Management Perspective on E-learning Effectiveness”, Knowledge-based Systems (impact factor 8.139), Vol 22, p. 324-5, 2009 (Cited by 140). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.knosys.2009.02.014.
Herbert Lee, Hareton Leung, Adela Lau, K.P. Mark, “Evaluation Studies of 2D and Glasses-Free 3D Contents for Education - Case Study of Automultiscopic Display Used for School Teaching in Hong Kong”, Advances in Education, p.77-81, 2012. https://doi.org/10.12677/AE.2012.24016.
Curriculum Vitae of Dr. Adela Lau
Please click here for details