HKU HKU Dept of Statistics & Actuarial Science, HKU

Seminar by Prof. Bin ZOU from Department of Mathematics, University of Connecticut

DateThursday, 21 March 2024
Time11:00 a.m. – 12:00 n.n.
VenueRR301, Run Run Shaw Building
TitleStrategic underreporting and optimal deductible insurance

This paper proposes a theoretical insurance model to explain well-documented loss under-reporting and to study how strategic underreporting affects insurance demand. We consider a utility-maximizing insured who purchases a deductible insurance contract and follows a barrier strategy to decide whether she should report a loss. The insurer adopts a bonus-malus system with two rate classes, and the insured will move to or stay in the more expensive class if she reports a loss. First, we fix the insurance contract (deductibles) and obtain the equilibrium reporting strategy in semi-closed form. A key result is that the equilibrium barriers in both rate classes are strictly greater than the corresponding deductibles, provided that the insured economically prefers the less expensive rate class, thereby offering a theoretical explanation to underreporting. Second, we study an optimal deductible insurance problem in which the insured strategically underreports losses to maximize her utility. We find that the equilibrium deductibles are strictly positive, suggesting that full insurance, often assumed in related literature, is not optimal. Moreover, in equilibrium, the insured underreports a positive amount of her loss.

About the speaker

Bin Zou is an associate professor at the Department of Mathematics, University of Connecticut. Previously, he was a postdoc at the University of Washington from Sep. 2016 to Aug. 2017 and at the Technical University of Munich from May 2015 to Aug. 2016. He obtained his PhD in mathematical finance from the University of Alberta in 2015; both of his MS and BS are from Beijing Institute of Technology. His main research interests are stochastic control and optimization with applications in actuarial science and financial mathematics. Please visit his website for more details.