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Wing Kam FUNG 馮榮錦
Emeritus Professor
Address | : |
Department of Statistics & Actuarial Science, University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong |
Email | : |
wingfung@hku.hk |
Phone | : |
(852) 3917-8316 |
Fax | : |
(852) 2858-9041 |
- Former Appointment
- Associate Dean (Research), Faculty of Social Sciences, The University of Hong Kong, 1999-2002.
- Education
| 1979-82 | BSocSc (First Class Honours), The University of Hong Kong |
| 1985-87 | PhD in Statistics, The University of Hong Kong |
- Honours and Awards
- Elected Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), 2011 elected.
- Croucher Senior Research Fellowship, 2008-2009. Award: Some US$100,000 for appointing a replacement teacher for a year.
- Elected Fellow, Institute of Mathematical Statistics (IMS), 2009 elected.
- Research Output Prize, 2009, The University of Hong Kong.
- Outstanding Young Scientist Award (Overseas Category), 2004. National Natural Science Foundation, China.
- Outstanding Researcher Award, 2001, The University of Hong Kong.
- Elected Fellow, American Statistical Association (ASA), 2003 elected.
- Elected Member, International Statistical Institute (ISI), 1997 elected.
- Distinguished Alumnus, Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science, The University of Hong Kong, 2008 awarded.
- Professional Services
- President, International Association for Statistical Computing (IASC), 2017-2019.
- Co-Chair, IASC Programme Committee, 59th World Statistics Congress of International Statistical Institute (ISI), Hong Kong, 2013.
- Co-Chair, International Workshop on Statistical Computing in Quantitative Finance and Biostatistics, Taiwan, December, 2011.
- Chairman, IASC Programme Committee, 56th Session of International Statistical Institute, Portugal, 2007.
- Co-Chair, International Organizing Committee, International Association for Statistical Computing Asian Regional Section Special Conference, Seoul, Korea, June, 2007.
- Chairman, Asian Regional Section, International Association for Statistical Computing, 2005-2008.
- Standby Chair, IASC Programme Committee, 55th Session of International Statistical Institute, Sydney, Australia, 2005.
- Vice President, International Association for Statistical Computing, 2007-2009.
- President, Hong Kong Statistical Society, 2003-04, 2004-05, 2005-06, 2006-07.
- Conference Chairman, 5th IASC Asian Conference on Statistical Computing, 2005.
- Council Member, International Statistical Institute, 2005-2009.
- Member, Board of Directors, International Chinese Statistical Association, 2008-2010.
- Book - Statistical DNA Forensics: Theory, Methods and Computation
Wing Kam Fung and Yue-Qing Hu, 2008, Wiley.
Robustness; Longitudinal Data Analysis; DNA Profiling and Forensic Statistics; Statistical Genomics
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Publications (partial list, updated in 2016) |
a. Book on DNA Forensics:
FUNG, W.K. and HU, Y.Q. Statistical DNA Forensics: Theory, Methods and Computation. Sussex, UK: Wiley, 2008.
b. Articles:
FUNG, W.K., YU, K.X., YANG, Y.R. and ZHOU, J.Y. Efficient Monte Carlo evaluation of resampling-based hypothesis tests with applications to genetic epidemiology. To appear in Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 2016.
QIN, G., ZHANG J., ZHU, Z.Y. and FUNG, W.K. Robust estimation of partially linear models for longitudinal data with dropouts and measurement error. To appear in Statistics in Medicine, 2016.
FUNG, W.K. and HU, Y.Q. DNA: Statistical Analysis. Encyclopedia of Forensic and Legal Medicine (Second Edition), 2016, 365-370. Edited by Jason-Payne-James and Roger Byard. Oxford: Elsevier.
ZHENG, X.Y., FUNG, W.K. and ZHU, Z.Y. Variable selection in robust joint mean and covariance model for longitudinal data analysis. Statistica Sinica, 2014, 24: 515-531.
XIA, F., CHEN, J., FUNG, W.K. and LI, H. A logistic normal multinomial regression model for microbiome compositional data analysis. Biometrics, 2013, 69: 1053-1063.
CHUNG, Y.K. and FUNG, W.K. The evidentiary values of “cold hits” in a DNA database search on two-person mixture. Science and Justice, 2011, 51: 10-15.
XIA, F., ZHOU, J.Y. and FUNG, W.K. A powerful approach for association analysis incorporating imprinting effects. Bioinformatics, 2011, 27: 2571-2577.
HE, F., ZHOU, J.Y., HU, Y.Q., SUN, F., YANG, Y., LIN, S. and FUNG, W.K. Detection of parent-of-origin effects for quantitative traits in complete and incomplete nuclear families with multiple children. American Journal of Epidemiology, 2011, 174: 226-233.
ZANG Y. and FUNG, W.K. Robust Mantel-Haenszel test under genetic model uncertainty allowing for covariates in case-control association studies. Genetic Epidemiology, 2011, 35: 695-705.
CHUNG, Y.K., HU, Y.Q. and FUNG, W.K. Evaluation of DNA mixtures from database search. Biometrics, 2010, 66: 233-238.
ZHOU, J.Y., DING, J., FUNG, W.K. and LIN, S. Detection of parent-of-origin effects using general pedigree data. Genetic Epidemiology, 2010, 34: 151-158.
ZANG, Y., FUNG, W.K. and ZHENG, G. Tail strength to combine two p values: Their correlation cannot be ignored. American Journal of Human Genetics, 2009, 84: 291-295.
ZHU, Z.Y., FUNG, W.K. and HE, X. On the asymptotics of marginal regression splines with longitudinal data. Biometrika, 2008, 95: 907-917.
HU Y.Q., ZHOU J.Y., SUN F. and FUNG, W.K. The transmission disequilibrium test and imprinting. Genetic Epidemiology, 2007, 31: 273-287.
FUNG, W.K., HU, Y.Q. and CHUNG, Y.K. On statistical analysis of forensic DNA: theory, methods and computer programs. (Refereed paper of my Keynote Speech presented at the 17th International Association of Forensic Sciences World Meeting) Forensic Science International, 2006, 162: 17-23.
HU, Y.Q. and FUNG, W.K. Evaluation of DNA mixtures involving two pairs of relatives. International Journal of Legal Medicine, 2005, 119: 251-259.
HE, X., FUNG, W.K. and ZHU, Z.Y. Robust estimation in generalized partial linear models for clustered data. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2005, 100: 1176-1184.
YUAN K.H., FUNG, W.K. and REISE, S.P. Three Mahalanobis-distances and their role in assessing unidimensionality. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 2004, 57: 151-165.
FUNG, W.K. and HU, Y.Q. Interpreting DNA mixtures with related contributors in subdivided populations. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 2004, 31: 115-130.
FUNG, W.K. User-friendly programs for easy calculations in paternity testing and kinship determinations. Forensic Science International, 2003, 136: 22-34.
HU, Y.Q., and FUNG, W.K. Interpreting DNA mixtures with the presence of relatives. International Journal of Legal Medicine, 2003, 117: 39-45.
HE, X., FU, B. and FUNG, W.K. Median regression of longitudinal data. Statistics in Medicine, 2003, 22: 3655-3669.
FUNG, W.K. Statistical analysis of forensic DNA: computational problems solved and to be solved (Keynote Speech). In ISI Satellite Meeting, International Conference on New Trends in Computational Statistics with Biometrical Applications. A Special Volume in Journal of the Japanese Society of Computational Statistics, 2003, 15: 15-26.
FUNG, W.K., ZHU, Z.Y., WEI, B. and HE, X. Influence diagnostics and outlier tests for semiparametric mixed models. Journal of Royal Statistical Society B, 2002, 64: 565-579.
FUNG, W.K. and HU, Y.Q. Evaluating Mixed Stains with Contributions of Different Ethnic Groups under the NRC-II Recommendation 4.1. Statistics in Medicine, 2002, 21: 3583-3593.
HE, X., ZHU, Z.Y. and FUNG, W.K. Estimation in a semiparametric model for longitudinal data with unspecified dependence structure. Biometrika, 2002, 89: 579-590.
FU, B., LI, W.K. and FUNG, W.K. Testing model adequacy for dynamic panel data with intercorrelation. Biometrika, 2002, 89: 591-601.
GENG, Z., GUO, J. and FUNG, W.K. Criteria for confounders in epidemiological studies. Journal of Royal Statistical Society, B, 2002, 64: 3-15.
FUNG, W.K., CHUNG, Y.K. and WONG, D.M. Power of exclusion revisited: probability of excluding relatives of true father from paternity. International Journal of Legal Medicine, 2002, 116: 64-67.
FUNG, W.K. and HU, Y.Q. Interpreting forensic DNA mixtures: allowing for uncertainty in population substructure and dependence. Journal of Royal Statistical Society, A, 2000, 163: 241-254.
HE, X. and FUNG, W.K. High breakdown estimation for multiple populations with applications to discriminant analysis. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 2000, 72: 151-162.
KWAN C.W. and FUNG, W.K. Assessing local influence for specific restricted likelihood: Application to factor analysis. Psychometrika, 1998, 63: 35-46.
SHI, P. and FUNG, W.K. A note on transforming a response variable for linearity. Biometrika, 1998, 85: 749-754.
FUNG, W.K. and KWAN, C.W. A note on local influence based on the normal curvature. Journal of Royal Statistical Society B, 1997, 59: 839-843.
FUNG, W.K. 10% or 5% match window in DNA profiling. Forensic Science International, 1996, 78: 111-118.
FUNG, W.K. Diagnosing influential observations in quadratic discriminant analysis. Biometrics, 1996, 52: 1235-1241.
FUNG, W.K. Diagnostics in linear discriminant analysis. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 1995, 90: 952-956.
FUNG, W.K. Measuring the coat-tail effect - is it possible? Electoral Studies, 1993, 12: 242-246.
FUNG, W.K. Unmasking outliers and leverage points: a confirmation. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 1993, 88: 515-519.
BACON-SHONE, J.H. and FUNG, W.K. A new graphical method for detecting single and multiple outliers in univariate and multivariate data. Journal of Royal Statistical Society C: Applied Statistics, 1987, 36: 153-162.