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Eddy K.F. LAM
Assistant Director (TPG) of CDS
Associate Dean (Student Affairs), Faculty of Science Associate Professor
BA(Saint Thomas); MA(New Brunswick); PhD(HK)
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Rm 305, Run Run Shaw Building |
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hrntlkf@hku.hk |
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(852) 2858-9041 |
Survival Analysis. Biostatistics. Public Health. Analysis of Infectious Diseases.
- Faculty (Dentistry) Research Prize, 2006, with Wong, M.C.M and Lo, E.C.M
- Faculty (Science) Knowledge Exchange Award, 2012, Team member of the Junior Science Institute
- Award of Teaching Excellence, 2014, Faculty of Science, The University of Hong Kong
- Award for Teaching Innovation in E-learning (Team Award), 2017, Faculty of Science, The University of Hong Kong
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- "A Class of Non-parametric Tests for the Equality of Failure Rates in a Competing Risks Model". P. Yip & K.F. Lam. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, No. 9, 1992, pp 2541-2556.
- "A Multivariate Non-parametric Tests for the Equality of Failure Rates in a Competing Risks Model". P. Yip & K.F. Lam. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, No.11, 1993, pp 3199-3222.
- "A Nonparametric Inference Procedure for an Illness-Death Model". P. Yip & K.F. Lam. Stochastic Analysis and Applications, No. 15(1), 1997, pp 125-135.
- "A Marginal Likelihood Approach to Estimation in Frailty Models". K.F. Lam & A.Y.C. Kuk. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 92, 1997, pp 985-990.
- "A Class of Tests for Equality of k Cause Specific Hazard Rates in a Competing Risks Model". K.F. Lam. Biometrika, 85 (1), 1998, pp179-188.
- "Marginal Likelihood Estimation for Proportional Odds Models with Right Censored Data". K.F. Lam & T.L. Leung. Lifetime Data Analysis, 7, 2001, pp 39-54.
- "Dynamic Random Effects Models for Times Between Repeated Events". Daniel Y.T. Fong, K.F. Lam, J.F. Lawless & Y.W. Lee. Lifetime Data Analysis, 7, 2001, pp 345-362.
- "Kernel Method for the Estimation of the Distribution Function and the Mean with Auxiliary Information in Ranked-Set Sampling". K.F. Lam, P.L.H. Yu & C.F. Lee. Environmetrics, 13, 2002, pp 397-406.
- "Modeling Multivariate Survival Data by a Semiparametric Random Effects Proportional Odds Model". K.F. Lam, Y.W. Lee & T.L. Leung. Biometrics, 58(2), 2002, pp 316-323.
- "Generalized Supremum Tests for the Equality of Cause-Specific Hazard Rates". S.C. Kochar, K.F. Lam & P.S.F. Yip. Lifetime Data Analysis, 8, 2002, pp 277-288.
- "Nonparametric Rank Tests for Independence in Opinion Surveys". Philip L.H. Yu, K.F. Lam and Mayer Alvo. Austrian Journal of Statistics, 31, 2002, pp 279-290.
- "REML Estimation for Clustered Grouped Survival Data". K.F. Lam & David Ip. Statistics in Medicine, 22, 2003, pp 2025-2034.
- "Use of Sign Test for the Median in the Presence of Ties". Daniel Y.T. Fong, C.W. Kwan, K.F. Lam & Karen S.L. Lam. The American Statistician, 57, 2003, pp 237-240.
- "Sieve Maximum Likelihood Estimator for Semiparametric Regression Models with Current Status Data". H. Xue, K.F. Lam & G. Li. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 99, 2004, pp 346-356.
- "Merits of Modeling Multivariate Survival Data Using Random Effects Proportional Odds Model". K.F. Lam & Y.W. Lee. Biometrical Journal, 46, 2004, pp 331-342.
- "A Comparison Study of Real Time Fatality Rate: SARS in Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, Toronto and Beijing, China". P.S.F. Yip, K.F. Lam, Eric Lau, P.H. Chau, Anne Chao & K.W. Tsang. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society - Series A. (Statistics in Society), 168, 2005, pp 233-243.
- "Estimating the Proportion of Cured Patients in a Censored Sample". K.F. Lam, Daniel Y.T. Fong & O.Y. Tang. Statistics in Medicine, 24, 2005, pp 1865-1879.
- "Factor Analysis for Ranked Data with Application to a Job Selection Attitude Survey". P.L.H. Yu, K.F. Lam & S.M. Lo. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society - Series A (Statistics in Society), 168, 2005, pp 583-597.
- "A Semiparametric Regression Cure Model with Current Status Data". K.F. Lam & H. Xue. Biometrika, 92, 2005, pp 573-586.
- "Multilevel Modeling of Clustered Grouped Survival Data using Cox Regression Model: An Application to ART Dental Restorations". M.C.M. Wong, K.F. Lam & E.C.M. Lo. Statistics in Medicine, 25, 2006, pp 447-457.
- "Semiparametric Accelerated Failure Time Regression Analysis with Application to Interval Censored HIV/AIDS Data". H Xue, K.F. Lam, B. Cowling & F. de Wolfe. Statistics in Medicine, 25, 2006, pp 3850-3863.
- "Bivariate Poisson-Poisson Model of Zero-inflated Absenteeism Data". Y.B. Cheung & K.F. Lam. Statistics in Medicine, 25, 2006, pp 3707-3717.
- "Semiparametric Analysis of Zero-Inflated Count Data". K.F. Lam, H. Xue & Y.B. Cheung. Biometrics, 62, 2006, pp 966-1003.
- "Nonparametric Estimation of Multiplicative Counting Process Intensity Functions with an Application to the Beijing SARS Epidemic". F. Chen, R.M. Huggins, P.S.F. Yip & K.F. Lam. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 37, 2008, pp 294-306.
- "Reconstruction of the Infection Curve for SARS epidemic in Beijing, China using a Back-Projection Method". P.S.F. Yip, K.F. Lam, Y. Xu, P.H. Chau, J. Xu, W. Chang, Y. Peng, Z. Liu, X. Xie & H.Y. Lau. Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 37, 2008, pp 425-433.
- "A Test for Constant Fatality Rate of an Emerging Epidemic: with Applications to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome in Hong Kong and Beijing". K.F. Lam, J.V. Deshpande, E.H.Y. Lau, U.V. Naik-Nimbalkar, P.S.F. Yip & Y. Xu. Biometrics, 64, 2008, pp 869-876.
- "Local Polynomial Estimation of Poisson Intensities in the Presence of Reporting Delays". F. Chen, R.M. Huggins, P.S.F. Yip & K.F. Lam. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society - Series C, 57, 2008, pp 447-459.
- "A Multiple Imputation Approach for Clustered Interval-Censored Survival Data". K.F. Lam, Y. Xu & T.L. Cheung. Statistics in Medicine, 29, 2010, pp 680-693.
- "Analysis of Multilevel Grouped Survival Data with Time-Varying Regression Coefficients". M.C.M. Wong, K.F. Lam & E.C.M. Lo. Statistics in Medicine, 30, 2011, pp 250-259.
- "On the Local Polynomial Estimators of the Counting Processes Intensity Function and Its Derivatives". F. Chen, P.S.F. Yip & K.F. Lam. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 88, 2011, pp 631-649.
- "A Study of Suicide Risk Using a Cox Cure Model via a Retrospective Sampling and Multiple Imputation". Y. Xu, K.F. Lam, F. Zhou, P.S.F. Yip & R. Watson. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 41, 2012, pp 3389-3402.
- "Analysis of Clustered Grouped Survival Data with Time-varying Regression Coefficients". K.F. Lam & O.Y. Tang. Journal of the Indian Statistical Association, Special issue in honor of Professor J.V. Deshpande on his seventieth birthday, 51, 2013, pp 137-156.
- "Estimation of Summary Protective Efficacy Using a Frailty Mixture Model for Recurrent Event Time Data". Y. Xu, Y.B. Cheung, K.F. Lam & P. Milligan. Statistics in Medicine, 31, 2012, pp 4023-4039.
- "Estimation and Interpretation of Incidence Rate Difference for Recurrent Events When the Estimation Model is Misspecified". Y. Xu, Y.B. Cheung, K.F. Lam & P. Milligan. Biometrical Journal, 54, 2012, pp 750-765.
- "Modeling Zero-Inflated Count Data Using a Covariate-Dependent Random Effect Model". K.Y. Wong & K.F. Lam. Statistics in Medicine, 32, 2013, pp 1283-1293.
DOI: 10.1002/sim.5626
- "A Semiparametric Cure Model for Interval-censored Data". K.F. Lam, K.Y. Wong & F. Zhou. Biometrical Journal, 55, 2013, pp 771-788.
DOI: 10.1002/bimj.201300004
- "Tests for Comparing the Progression of an Epidemic in Two Groups". J.V. Deshpande, K.F. Lam, U.V. Naik-Nimbalkar & Y. Xu. Journal of the Indian Statistical Association, Special issue in honor of H.L. Koul on his seventieth birthday, 52, 2014, pp 177-194.
- "A Simple and Powerful Method for the Estimation of Intervention Effects on Serological Endpoints Using Paired Interval-Censored Data". Y. Xu, K.F. Lam, E.E. Ooi, A. Wilder-Smith, N. Paton, L. Lee & Y.B. Cheung. Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, 25, 2015, pp 124-136.
DOI: 10.1080/10543406.2014.919936
- "Estimation of Intervention Effects Using Recurrent Event Time Data in the Presence of Event Dependence and a Cured Fraction". Y. Xu., K.F. Lam & Y.B. Cheung. Statistics in Medicine, 33, 2014, pp 2263-2274.
DOI: 10.1002/sim.6093
- "Semiparametric Analysis of Clustered Interval-Censored Survival Data with a Cure Fraction". K.F. Lam & K.Y. Wong. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 79, 2014, pp 165-174.
- "Estimation of Intervention Effect Using Paired Interval-Censored Data with Clumping Below Lower Detection Limit". Y. Xu, K.F. Lam, B.J. Cowling & Y.B. Cheung. Statistics in Medicine, 34, 2015, pp307-316.
DOI: 10.1002/sim.6346
- "Sample Size Determination for Fold-Increase Endpoints Defined by Paired Interval-Censored Data". Y. Xu, K.F. Lam & Y.B. Cheung. Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, 26, 2016, pp 978-981.
DOI: 10.1080/10543406.2016.1148705
- "Semiparametric Estimation of Time-Varying Intervention Effects Using Recurrent Event Data". J. Xu, K.F. Lam, F. Chen, P. Milligan & Y.B. Cheung. Statistics in Medicine, 36, 2017, pp 2682-2696.
- "Estimation of Age Effect with Change-points on Survival of Cancer Patients". K.F. Lam, J. Xu & H. Xue. Statistics in Medicine, 37, 2018, pp 1732-1743.
- "Geographically Weighted Temporally Correlated Logistic Regression Model". Y. Liu, K.F. Lam, J.T. Wu & T.T.Y. Lam. Scientific Reports, 8, Article number 1417, 2018.
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-19772-6
- "Regression Analysis of Fold-Increase Endpoints Using a Distributional Approach for Paired Interval-Censored Antibody Data". Y.B. Cheung, X. Ma & K.F. Lam. Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research, 2018.
DOI: 10.1080/19466315.2018.1473794
- "Asymptotic Null Distribution of the Modified Likelihood Ratio Test for Heterogeneity in Finite Mixture Models". T.S.T. Wong, K.F. Lam & V.X. Zhao. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 127, 2018, pp 248-257.
- "Tests for Specific Nonparametric Relations Between Two Distribution Functions with Applications". J.V. Deshpande, I. Dewan, K.F. Lam & U.V. Naik-Nimbalkar. To Appear in Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry.
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- "Validation of Minimum Data Set for Home Care Assessment Instrument (MDS-HC) for Hong Kong Chinese Elders". C.W. Kwan, I. Chi, T.P. Lam, K.F. Lam & K.L. Chou. Clinical Gerontologist, 21(4), 2000, pp 35-48.
- "Outdoor Air Temperature and Mortality from Cardiovascular Diseases in Hong Kong". Paul S F Yip, D.Y.K. Ip, K.F. Lam, D.Y.T Fong, G. Tang & J. Karlberg. Hong Kong Journal of Gerontology, 14, 2000, pp 16-19.
- "Management of Upper Respiratory Tract Infection by Family Doctors". T.P. Lam & K.F. Lam. International Journal of Clinical Practice, 55, 2001, pp 358 - 360.
- "Family Doctors' Attitudes towards Patient Self-Management of Upper Respiratory Tract Infections". T.P. Lam & K.F. Lam. Hong Kong Medical Journal, 7(2), 2001, pp 146-149.
- "The Hong Kong Index of Dyspepsia (HIDy): A Validated Symptom Severity Questionnaire for Patients with Dyspepsia". Wayne H.C. Hu, K.F. Lam, Y.H. Wong, Cindy L.K. Lam, W.M. Hui, K.C. Lai, Benjamin C.Y. Wong & S.K. Lam. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 17, 2002, pp 545-551.
- "Normal 24 Hour Ambulatory Proximal and Distal Gastroesophageal Reflux Parameters in Chinese." W.H.C. Hu, N.Y.H. Wong, K.C. Lai, W.M. Hui, K.F. Lam, B.C.Y. Wong, H.H.X. Xia, C.K. Chan, A.O.O. Chan, W.M. Wong, K.W.T. Tsang & S.K. Lam. Hong Kong Medical Journal, 8(3), 2002, pp 168-171.
- "Anxiety but Not Depression Determines Health Seeking Behaviour in Chinese Patients with Dyspepsia and Irritable Bowel Syndrome: a Population Based Study". Wayne H.C. Hu, W.M Wong, Cindy L.K. Lam, K.F. Lam, W.M. Hui, K.C. Lai, Harry X.H. Xia, S.K. Lam & B.C.Y Wong. Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 16, 2002, pp 2081-2088.
- "Antibiotic Wastage Costs in Hong Kong". K.F. Lam & T.P. Lam. The Hong Kong Practitioner, Letter to the Editor, 24, 2002, pp 581-582.
- "Why do Family Doctors Prescribe Antibiotics for Upper Respiratory Tract Infection?" T.P. Lam & K.F. Lam. International Journal of Clinical Practice, 57, 2003, pp 167-169.
- "A Validated Symptoms Questionnaire (Chinese GERDQ) for the Diagnosis of Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux Disease in the Chinese Population." W.M. Wong, K.F. Lam, K.C. Lai, W.M. Hui, W.H.C. Hu, C.L.K. Lam, N.Y.H. Wong, H.H.H. Xia, J.Q. Huang, A.O.O. Chan, S.K. Lam and B.C.Y. Wong. Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 17, 2003, pp 1407-1413.
- "Prevalence, Clinical Spectrum and Health Care Utilization of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease in Chinese population - a population based study". R.W.M. Wong, K.C. Lai, K.F. Lam, W.M. Hui, W.H.C. Hu, C.L.K. Lam, H.H.X. Xia, J.Q. Huang, C.K. Chan, A.O.O. Chan, S.K. Lam, B.C.Y. Wong. Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 18, 2003, pp 595-604.
- "What Are the Non-Biomedical Reasons Which Make Family Doctors Over-Prescribe Antibiotics for Upper Respiratory Tract Infection?" T.P. Lam & K.F. Lam. Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics, 28, 2003, pp 197-201.
- "Bayesian Analysis of Clustered Interval-Censored Data". M.C.M. Wong, K.F. Lam & E.C.M. Lo. Journal of Dental Research, 84(9), 2005, pp 817-821. [Elected Faculty Research Output Prize 2006-2007, Faculty of Dentistry, The University of Hong Kong]
- "The First Batch of Graduates of a New Medical Curriculum in Asia: How Their Teachers See Them" T.P. Lam, U.S. Khoo, Y.S. Chan, Y.H. Cheng & K.F. Lam. Medical Education, 38, 2004, pp 980-986.
- "Double-blind, Randomized Controlled Study to Assess the Effects of Lansoprazole 30mg and Lansoprazole 15mg on 24-h Oesophageal and Intragastric pH in Chinese Subjects with Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux Disease". W.M. Wong, K.C. Lai, W.M. Hui, K.F. Lam, J.Q. Huang, W.H.C. Hu, N.Y.H. Wong, C.L.K. Lam, H.H.X. Xia, A.O.O. Chan, S.K. Lam & B.C.Y. Wong. Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 19, 2004, pp 455-462.
- "Population Based Study of Noncardiac Chest Pain in Southern Chinese: Prevalence, Psychosocial Factors and Health Care Utilization". W.M. Wong, K.F. Lam, C. Cheng, W.M. Hui, H.H. Xia, K.C. Lai, W.H. Hu, J.Q. Huang, C.L. Lam, C.K. Chan, A.O.O. Chan, S.K. Lam, B.C.Y. Wong. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 10(5), 2004, pp 707-712.
- "Serotype Distribution and Antimicrobial Resistance Patterns of Nasopharyngeal and Invasive Streptococcus Pneumoniae Isolates in Hong Kong Children". P.L. Ho, K.F. Lam, F.K.H. Chow, Y.L. Lau, S.S.Y. Wong, S.L.E. Cheng & S.S. Chiu. Vaccine, 22, 2004, pp 3334-3339.
- "Excess Hospital Admissions for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Pneumonia, and Heart Failure During Influenza Seasons in Hong Kong" F.H.Y. Yap, P.L. Ho, K.F. Lam, P.K.S. Chan, Y.H. Cheng & J.S.M. Peiris. Journal of Medical Virology, 73(4), 2004, pp 617-623.
- "Onset and Disappearance of Reflux Symptoms in a Chinese Population: A One-year Follow-up Study". W.M. Wong, K.C. Lai, K.F. Lam, W.M. Hui, J.Q. Huang, H.H.X. Xia, W.H.C. Hu, C.L.K. Lam, C.K. Chan, S.K. Lam & B.C.Y. Wong. Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 20, 2004, pp 803-812.
- "A Chain Multinomial Model for Estimating Real Time Fatality Rate of a Disease with Application to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)". P.S.F. Yip, E.H.Y. Lau, K.F. Lam & R. Huggins. American Journal of Epidemiology, 161, 2005, pp 700-706.
- "Determinants of Bone Mineral Density in Chinese Men". E.Y.N. Cheung, A.Y.Y. Ho, K.F. Lam, S.C.F. Tam & A.W.C. Kung. Osteoporosis International, 16, pp 1481-1486.
- "Differing Coping Mechanisms, Stress Level and Anorectal Physiology in Patients with Functional Constipation". A.O.O. Chan, C. Cheng, W.M. Hui, W.H.C. Hu, N.Y.H. Wong, K.F. Lam, W.M. Wong, K.C. Lai, S.K. Lam & B.C.Y. Wong. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 11, 2005, pp 5362-5366.
- "Validated Questionnaire on Diagnosis and Symptom Severity for Functional Constipation in the Chinese Population". A.O.O Chan, K.F. Lam, W.M. Hui, W.H.C. Hu, J. Li, K.C. Lai, C.K. Chan, M.F. Yuen, S.K. Lam & B.C.Y. Wong. Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 22, 2005, pp 483-488.
- "A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial of Abciximab for Prevention of In-stent Restenosis in Diabetic Patients After Coronary Stenting: Results of the ASIAD (Abciximab in Stenting Inhibits Restenosis Among Diabetics) Trial". W.H. Chen, U Kaul, S.K. Leung, Y.K. Lau, H.C. Tan, A.W. Leung, M.K. Lee, S.K. Li, W. Ng, P.Y. Lee, K.F. Lam, H.F. Tse & C.P. Lau. The Journal of Invasive Cardiology, 17(10) 2005, pp 534-538.
- "Why Do Primary Care Doctors Undertake Postgraduate Diploma Studies in a Mixed Private/Public Asian Setting?" T.P. Lam, K.F. Lam & E.Y.Y. Tse. Postgraduate Medical Journal, 82, 2006 pp 400-403.
- "Coexistence Between Colorectal Cancer/Adenoma and Coronary Artery Disease: Results from 1382 Patients". A.O.O. Chan, K.F. Lam, T. Tong, D.C.W. Siu, M.H. Jim, W.M. Hui, C.K. Chan, K.C. Lai, M.F. Yuen, S.K. Lam & B.C.Y. Wong. Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 24, 2006, pp 535-539.
- "Use of the Minimum Data Set--Home Care: A Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial Among the Chinese Older Adults." I. Chi, K.L. Chou, C.W. Kwan, E.K.F. Lam & T.P. Lam. Aging & Mental Health, 10(1), 2006, pp 33-39.
- "Incidence and Predictors of Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding in Patients Receiving Low-Dose Aspirin for Secondary Prevention of Cardiovascular Events in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease." W. Ng, W.M. Wong, W.H. Chen, H.F. Tse, P.Y. Lee, K.C. Lai, S.W. Li, M. Ng, K.F. Lam, X. Cheng & C.P. Lau. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 12(18), 2006, pp 2923-2927.
- "Familial Aggregation in Constipated Subjects in a Tertiary Referral Center." A.O.O. Chan, W.M. Hui, K.F. Lam, G. Leung, M.F. Yuen, S.K. Lam & B.C.Y. Wong. American Journal of Gastroenterology, 102(1), 2007, pp 149-152.
- "Assessment of Intervention Measures for the 2003 SARS Epidemic in Taiwan by Use of a Back-Projection Method." P.S.F.Yip, Y.H. Hsieh, Y. Xu, K.F. Lam, C.C. King & H.L. Chang. Infection Control and Hospital
Epidemiology, 28(5), 2007, pp 525-530.
- "Comparison Between Empirical Prokinetics, Helicobacter Test-and-Treat and Empirical Endoscopy in Primary-Care Patients Presenting with Dyspepsia: A One-Year Study." W.H.C. Hu, S.K. Lam, C.L.K. Lam, W.M. Wong, K.F. Lam, K.C. Lai, Y.H. Wong, B.C.Y. Wong, A.O.O. Chan, C.K. Chan, G.M. Leung & W.M. Hui. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 12(31), 2006, pp 5010-5016.
- "Influence of Positive Family History on Clinical Characteristics of Functional Constipation". A.O.O. Chan, K.F. Lam, W.M. Hui, G. Leung, N.Y.H. Wong, S.K. Lam & B.C.Y. Wong. Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 5(2), 2007, pp 197-200.
- "Comparison of Esophageal Acid Exposure Distribution Along the Esophagus Among the Different Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) Groups". R. Dickman, J.M. Bautista, W.M. Wong, R. Bhatt. J.N. Beeler, I. Malagon, S. Risner-Adler, K.F. Lam & R. Fass. American Journal of Gastroenterology, 101(11), 2006 pp2463-2469.
- "Patients with Functional Constipation Do Not Have Increase Prevalence of Colorectal Cancer Precursors". A.O.O. Chan, W.M. Hui, G. Leung, T. Tong, I.F.N. Hung, P. Chan, A. Hsu, D. But, B.C.Y. Wong, S.K. Lam, K.F. Lam. GUT, 56(3), 2007, pp 451-452.
- "Positive association between gastro-oesophageal reflux disease and irritable bowel syndrome in a Chinese population". T.K. Cheung, K.F. Lam, W.H.C. Hu, C.L.K. Lam, W.M. Wong, W.M. Hui, K.C. Lai, S.K. Lam, B.C.Y. Wong. Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 25, 2007, pp 1099-1104.
- "Association Between Helicobacter Pylori Infection and Interleukin 1beta Polymorphism Predispose to CpG Island Methylation in Gastric Cancer". A.O.O Chan, K.M. Chu, C. Huang, K.F. Lam, S.Y. Leung, Y.W. Sun, S. Ko, H.H. Xia, C.H. Cho, W.M. Hui, S.K. Lam, A. Rashid & B.C.Y. Wong. GUT, 56(4), 2007, pp 595-597.
- "Prevalence of Colorectal Neoplasm Among Patients with Newly Diagnosed Coronary Artery Disease" A.O.O Chan, M.H. Jim, K.F. Lam, J. Morris, D.C.W. Siu, T. Tong, F.H. Ng, S.Y. Wong, W.M. Hui, C.K. Chan, K.C. Lai, T.K. Cheung, P. Chan, G. Wong, M.F. Yuen, Y.K. Lau, S. Lee, M.L. Szeto, B.C.Y. Wong & S.K. Lam. Journal of the American Medical Association, 298(12), 2007, pp 1412-1419.
- "The Preferred Mode of Teaching and Examination of Primary Care Doctors Undertaking Postgraduate Diploma Studies in Hong Kong". T.P. Lam, K.F. Lam & E.Y.Y. Tse. The Hong Kong Practitioner, Letter to the Editor, 29, 2007, p 372.
- "Gastrointestinal Bleeding in Patients Receiving a Combination of Aspirin, Clopidogrel and Enoxaparin in Acute Coronary Syndrome". F.H. Ng, S.Y. Wong, K.F. Lam, C.M. Chang, Y.K. Lau, W.C. Yuen, W.M. Chu, T.K. Cheung, A.O.O. Chan & B.C.Y. Wong. The American Journal of Gastroenterology, 103, 2008, pp865-871.
- "Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding in Patients with Aspirin and Clopidogrel Co-therapy". F.H. Ng, K.F. Lam, S.Y. Wong, C.M. Chang, Y.K. Lau, W.C. Yuen, W.M. Chu & B.C.Y. Wong. Digestion, 77, 2008, pp 173-177.
- "The effect of Intragastric Balloon Placement on Weight Loss and Type 2 Diabetes Control". A.O.O. Chan, W.S. Chow, K.F. Lam, A. Hsu, I. Hung, P. Chan, D. But, W.K. Seto & K.S.L. Lam. Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 28, 2008, pp 162-164.
- "Quality of Life and Psychological Impact in Patients with Non-cardiac Chest Pain". T.K. Cheung, X. Hou, K.F. Lam, J. Chen, W.M. Wong, H. Cha, S.K. Lam, H.H.X. Xia, T.S.M. Tong, G. Leung, M.F. Yuen & B.C.Y. Wong. Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology, 43, 2009, pp 13-18.
- "Confirmatory Factor Analysis on the Health Domains of the Child Perceptions Questionnaire (CPQ11–14)". A.W.H. Lau, M.C.M. Wong, K.F. Lam and C. McGrath. Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology, 37, 2009, pp163-170.
- "Iron Supplement in Pregnancy and Development of Gestational Diabetes- a Randomized Placebo- Controlled Trial". K.K.L. Chan, B.C.P. Chan, K.F. Lam, S. Tam & T.T. Lao. British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 116, 2009, pp 789-798.
- "Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease is Associated with Poor Asthma Control, Quality of Life and Psychological Status in Chinese Asthma Patients". T.K. Cheung, B. Lam, K.F. Lam, M. Ip, C. Ng, R. Kung & B.C.Y. Wong. CHEST, 135(5), 2009, pp 1181-1185.
- "Intravenous Diltiazem is Superior to Intravenous Amiodarone or Digoxin for Achieving Ventricular Rate Control in Patients with Acute Uncomplicated Atrial Fibrillation’. C.W. Siu, C.P. Lau, W.L. Lee, K.F. Lam & H.F. Tse. Critical Care Medicine, 37(7), 2009, pp 2174-2179.
- "Use of Antibiotics by Primary Care Doctors in Hong Kong". T.P. Lam, P.L. Ho, K.F. Lam, K. Choi & R. Yung. Asia Pacific Family Medicine, 8(5), 2009.
- "Three Estimates of the Association Between Linear Growth Failure and Cognitive Ability". Y.B. Cheung & K.F. Lam. Tropical Medicine & International Health, 14(9), 2009, pp 1020-1024.
- "Prevalence and Extent of Calcification over Aorta, Coronary and Carotid Arteries in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis". S. Wang, K.H. Yiu, M.Y. Mok, G.C. Ooi, P.L. Khong, K.F. Mak, C.P. Lau, K.F. Lam, C.S. Lau, H.F. Tse. Journal of Internal Medicine, 266(5), 2009, pp 445-452.
- "Pattern of Arterial Calcification in Patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus". K.H. Yiu, S. Wang, M.Y. Mok, G.C. Ooi, P.L. Khong, K.F. Mak, K.F. Lam, C.S. Lau, H.F. Tse. Journal of Rheumatology, 36(10), 2009, pp 2212-2217.
- "How Do Patients Choose Their Doctors for Primary Care in a Free Market?" Y.T. Wun, T.P. Lam, K.F. Lam, D. Goldberg. D.K.T. Li & K.C. Yip. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 16(6), 2010, pp 1215-1220.
- "Psychological Wellbeing of Interns in Hong Kong: What Causes Them Stress and What Helps Them" T.P. Lam, J.G.W.S. Wong, M.S.M. Ip, K.F. Lam & S.L. Pang. Medical Teacher, 32(3), 2010, pp 120-126.
- "Famotidine is Inferior to Pantoprazole in Preventing Recurrence of Aspirin-Related Peptic Ulcers or Erosions". F.H. Ng, S.Y. Wong, K.F. Lam, W.M. Chu, P. Chan, Y.H. Ling, C. Kng, W.C. Yuen, Y.K. Lau, A. Kwan & B.C.Y. Wong. Gastroenterology, 138(1), 2010, pp 82-88.
- "Role of Circulating Endothelial Progenitor Cells in Patients with Rheumatoid
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- "Serum Levels of IL-33 and Soluble ST2 and Their Association with Disease Activity in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus". M.Y. Mok, F.P. Huang, W.K. Ip, Y. Lo, F.Y. Wong, E.Y.T. Chan, K.F. Lam & D. Xu. Rheumatology (Oxford), 49, 2010, pp 520-527.
- "A Simple Approach to the Estimation of Incidence Rate Difference". Y. Xu, Y.B. Cheung, K.F. Lam, S.H. Tan & P. Milligan. American Journal of Epidemiology, 172(3), 2010, pp 334-343.
- "Evaluation of the Learning Outcomes of a Year-Long Postgraduate Training Course in Community Geriatrics for Primary Care Doctors". T.P. Lam, R.W.M. Chow, K.F. Lam, I.M. Lennox, F.H.W. Chan & S.L.T. Tsoi. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 52, 2011, pp 350-356.
- "Family Medicine Training in Hong Kong: Similarities and Differences between Family and Non-family Doctors". Y.T. Wun, T.P. Lam, K.F. Lam, D.K.T. Li & K.C. Yip. Hong Kong Medical Journal, 17(1), 2011, pp 47-53.
- "Introducing Family Medicine in a Pluralistic Healthcare System: How Patients and Doctors See It". Y.T. Wun, T.P. Lam, K.F. Lam, D. Goldberg, D.K.T. Li & K.C. Yip. Family Practice, 28(1), 2011, pp 49-55.
- "Increased Arterial Stiffness in Patients with Psoriasis is Associated with Active Systemic Inflammation". K.H. Yiu, C.K. Yeung, H.T. Chan, R.M.Y. Wong, S. Tam, K.F. Lam, G.H. Yan, W.S. Yue, H.H. Chan & H.F. Tse. British Journal of Dermatology, 164(3), 2011, pp 514-520.
- "Assessing Consistency in Oral Health-related Quality of Life (OHRQoL) Across Gender and Stability of OHRQoL Over Time for Adolescents Using Structural Equation Modeling". M.C.M. Wong, A.W.H. Lau, K.F. Lam, C. McGrath & H.X. Lu. Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology, 39(4), 2011, pp 325-335.
- "Reasons for Preferring a Primary Care Physician for Care If Depressed". Y.T. Wun, T.P. Lam, D. Goldberg, K.F. Lam, D.K.T. Li & K.C. Yip. Family Medicine, 43(5), 2011, pp 344-350.
- "Hong Kong Physicians’ Views on Who Should Treat Mild Depression". T.P. Lam, Y.T. Wun & K.F. Lam. Psychiatric Services, 62(5). 2011, pp 565-566.
- "Age, Period, and Cohort Analysis of Regular Dental Care Behavior and Edentulism: A Marginal Approach". K.Y. Li, M.C.M. Wong, K.F. Lam & E. Schwarz. BMC Oral Health, 11:9, 2011.
- "What are the Learning Outcomes of a Short Postgraduate Training Course in Dermatology for Primary Care Doctors?" T.P. Lam, C.K. Yeung & K.F. Lam. BMC Medical Education, 11:20, 2011
- "What Do Primary Care Doctors Get Out of a Year-long Postgraduate Course in Community Psychological Medicine?" T.P. Lam, D. Goldberg, E.Y.Y. Tse, K.F. Lam, K.Y. Mak & E.W.W. Lam. The International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine, 42, 2011, pp 133-149.
- "Effect of Esomeprazole versus Famotidine on Platelet Inhibition by Clopidogrel: a Double-blind Randomized Trial". P. Tunggal, F.H. Ng, K.F. Lam, F.K. Chan & Y.K. Lau. American Heart Journal, 162(5), 2011, pp 870-874.
- "Esomeprazole Compared with Famotidine in the Prevention of Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding in Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome or Myocardial Infarction". F.H. Ng, P. Tunggal, W.M. Chu, K.F. Lam, A. Li, K. Chan, Y.K. Lau, C. Kng, K.K. Keung, A. Kwan & B.C.Y. Wong. American Journal of Gastroenterology, 107(3), 2012, pp 389-396.
- "Frequent Premature Atrial Complexes Predict New Occurrence of Atrial Fibrillation and Adverse Cardiovascular Events". B.H. Chong, V. Pong, K.F. Lam, S. Liu, M.L. Zuo, Y.F. Lau, C.P. Lau, H.F. Tse & C.W. Siu. Europace, 14(7), 2012, pp 942-947.
- "Western Mental Health Training for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners". T.P. Lam, K.Y. Mak, D. Goldberg, K.F. Lam & K.S. Sun. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 126(6), 2012, pp 440-447.
- "Attitudes of Primary Care Physicians Towards Patients with Mental Illness in Hong Kong". T.P. Lam, K.F. Lam, E.W.W. Lam & Y.S. Ku. Asia-Pacific Psychiatry, 5(1):E19-28, 2013.
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- "Sudden Cardiac Death after Myocardial Infarction in Type 2 Diabetic Patients with No Residual Myocardial Ischemia." C.Y. Yeung, K.S.L. Lam, S.W. Li, K.F. Lam, H.F. Tse & C.W. Siu. Diabetes Care, 35(12), 2012, pp 2564-2569.
- "The Public's Perspectives on Antibiotic Resistance and Abuse among Chinese in Hong Kong." Y.T. Wun, T.P. Lam, K.F. Lam, P.L. Ho & R.W.H. Yung. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety, 22, 2013, pp 241-249.
- "Antibiotic Use: Do Parents Act Differently for their Children?" Y.T. Wun, T.P. Lam, K.F. Lam & K.S. Sun. International Journal of Clinical Practice, 66(12), 2012, pp 1197-1203.
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- "The CHADS2 and CHA2DS2-VASc Scores Predict New Occurrence of Atrial Fibrillation and Ischemic Stroke." M.L. Zuo, S. Liu, K.H. Chan, K.K. Lau, B.H. Chong, K.F. Lam. Y.H. Chan, Y.F. Lau, G.Y.H. Lip, C.P. Lau, H.F. Tse & C.W. Siu. Journal of Interventional Cardiac Electrophysiology, 37(1), 2013, pp 47-54.
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- "Prevalence of and Associations With Reduced Exercise Capacity in Peritoneal Dialysis Patients" M.L. Zuo, W.S. Yue, T. Yip, F. Ng, K.F. Lam, K.H. Yiu, S.L. Lui, H.F. Tse, C.W. Siu & W.K. Lo. American Journal of Kidney Disease, 62(5), 2013, pp 939-946.
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- "The Chinese Medicine Construct "Stagnation" in Mind-Body Connection Mediates the Effects of Mindfulness Training on Depression and Anxiety." H.H.M. Lo, S.M. Ng, C.L.W. Chan, K.F. Lam & B.H.P. Lau. Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 21(4), 2013, pp 348-357.
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- "Sex Knowledge, Attitudes, and High-risk Sexual Behaviors among Unmarried Youth in Hong Kong." P.S. Yip, H. Zhang, T.H. Lam, K.F. Lam, A.M. Lee, J. Chan & S. Fan. BMC Public Health, 13(1):691, 2013.
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- "Are There Differences in Antibiotic Use between the Recent Immigrants from Mainland China and the Local-born in Hong Kong?" Y.T. Wun, T.P. Lam, K.F. Lam, P.L. Ho & R.W.H. Yung. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 17, 2015, pp 1177-1184.
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- "Comparison of the Knowledge, Attitudes and Practice with Antibiotic Use Between Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine Usual Attenders in Hong Kong. Y.T. Wun, T.P. Lam, K.F. Lam & K.S. Sun. Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 22, 2014, pp 99-106.
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- "Risk of Stroke and Intracranial Hemorrhage in 9,727 Chinese with Atrial Fibrillation in Hong Kong". C.W. Siu, G.Y.H. Lip, K.F. Lam & H.F. Tse. Heart Rhythm, 11, 2014, pp 1401-1408.
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- "Osteodesis Procedure for Hallux Valgus Deformity Correction: Is It Effective?". D.Y. Wu & K.F. Lam. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, 473, 2015, pp 328-336.
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- "Obstacles in Managing Mental Health Problems for Primary Care Physicians in Hong Kong." K.S. Sun, T.P. Lam, K.F. Lam & T.K. Lo. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 42(6), 2015, pp 714-722.
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- "Health System Reforms, Violence Against Doctors and Job Satisfaction in the Medical Profession: A Cross-sectional Survey in Zhejiang Province, Eastern China." D. Wu, Y. Wang, K.F. Lam & T. Hesketh. BMJ Open, 4, issue 12, 2014, e005473.
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- "Does Postgraduate Training in Community Mental Health Make a Difference to Primary Care Physicians’ Attitudes to Depression and Schizophrenia?" T.P. Lam, K.F. Lam, E.W.W. Lam & K.S. Sun. Community Mental Health Journal, 51, 2015, pp 641-646.
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- "How Long Do the Hong Kong Chinese Expect Their URTI to Last? - Effects on Antibiotic Use." T.P. Lam, K.F. Lam, E.Y.T. Wun & K.S. Sun. BMC Pulmonary Medicine, 15(1):23, 2015. DOI:10.1186/s12890-015-0018-y
- "Managing Common Mental Health Problems: Contrasting Views of Primary Care Physicians and Psychiatrists." K.S. Sun, T.P. Lam, K.F. Lam & T.L. Lo. Family Practice, 32(5), 2015, pp 538-544.
- "Evaluation of Psychometric Properties and Differential Item Function of 8-item Child Perception Questionnaires Using Item Response Theory." D.T.W. Yau, M.C.M. Wong, K.F. Lam & C. McGrath. BMC Public Health, 15:792, 2015.
- "Knowledge, Attitude, and Behaviour Toward Antibiotics Among Hong Kong People: Local-born Versus Immigrants." T.P. Lam, K.F. Lam, P.L. Ho & R.W.H. Yung. Hong Kong Medical Journal, 21(6), 2015, pp 41-47
- "Differences in Antibiotic Use Between Patients With and Without a Regular Doctor for Continuity of Care in Hong Kong." T.P. Lam, Y.T. Wun, K.F. Lam & K.S. Sun. BMC Pharmacology and Toxicology, 16:40, 2015.
- "Barriers of Chinese Primary Care Attenders to Seeking Help for Psychological Distress in Hong Kong." K.S. Sun, T.P. Lam, K.F. Lam, T.L. Lo, D.V.K. Chao & E.W.W. Lam. Journal of Affective Disorders, 196, 2016, pp 164-170.
- "A Study of Violence among Hong Kong Young Adults and Associated Substance Use, Risky Sexual Behaviors, and Pregnancy." H. Zhang, W.C.W. Wong, P. Ip, G.W.F. Lai, T.H. Lam, K.F. Lam, S. Fan, A. Lee & P.S.F. Yip. Violence and Victims, 31, 2016, pp 985-996.
- "Five-year Outcomes of Western Mental Health Training for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners." T.P. Lam, K.Y. Mak, K.F. Lam, H.Y. Chan & K.S. Sun. BMC Psychiatry, 16(1):363, 2016.
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- "Health Reforms in China: The Public’s Choices for First-Contact Care in Urban Areas." D. Wu, T.P. Lam, K.F. Lam, X.D. Zhou & K.S. Sun. Family Practice, 34(2), 2017, pp 194-200.
- "Barriers and Facilitators for Psychiatrists in Managing Mental Health Patients in Hong Kong - Impact of Chinese Culture and Health System." K.S. Sun, T.P. Lam, K.F. Lam & T.L. Lo. Asia-Pacific Psychiatry, 10(1), 2018, e12279.
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- "Challenges to Healthcare Reform in China: Profit-oriented Medical Practices, Patients' Choice of Care and Guanxi Culture in Zhejiang Province." D. Wu, T.P. Lam, K.F. Lam, X.D. Zhou & K.S. Sun. Health Policy and Planning, 32(9), 2017, pp 1241-1247.
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- "Doctors’ Views of Patient Expectations of Medical Care in Zhejiang Province, China." D. Wu, T.P. Lam, K.F. Lam, X.D. Zhou & K.S. Sun. To Appear in International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 29(6), 2017, pp 867-873.
- "Community-based Survey on Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Colorectal Cancer Screening in Hong Kong." G.C.Y. Wong, K.Y. Lee, K.F. Lam & S.Y.S. Fan. Journal of Digestive Diseases, 18, 2017, pp 582-590.
- "Help-seeking Behaviours for Psychological Distress Amongst Chinese Patients." K.S. Sun, T.P. Lam, K.F. Lam, L. Piterman, T.K. Lo, D.V.K. Chao & E.W.W. Lam. PLOS ONE, 12(10), 2017: e0185831.
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- "Public Views Towards Community Health and Hospital-Based Outpatient Services and Their Utilization in Zhejiang, China - A Mixed Methods Study." D. Wu, T.P. Lam, K.F. Lam, X.D. Zhou & K.S. Sun. BMJ Open, 2017. Nov 3;7(11):e017611. DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2017-017611
吳丹, 林大邦, 林國輝, 周旭東, 辛啟成. 中國浙江省公眾對於社區衛生服務和醫院門診服務的使用情況及看法:一項混合方法研究 [中文譯版]. 英國醫學雜誌中文版2018年3月第21卷第3期(聚焦中國)
- "Can the Syndesmosis Procedure Prevent Metatarsus Primus Varus and Hallux Valgus Deformity Recurrence? A 5-year prospective study." D.Y. Wu & K.F. Lam. The Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery, 57, 2018, pp 316-324.
DOI: 10.1053/j.jfas.2017.10.012
- "Enablers to Seeking Professional Help for Psychological Distress - a Study on Chinese Primary Care Attenders." K.S. Sun, T.P. Lam, K.F. Lam, T.K. Lo, D.V.K. Chao & E.W.W. Lam. Psychiatry Research, 264, 2018, pp 9-14.
DOI: 10.1016/j.psychres.2018.03.056
- "Longitudinal Measurement Invariance and Explanatory IRT Models for Adolescents’ Oral Health-Related Quality of Life." D.T.W. Yau, M.C.M. Wong, K.F. Lam & C. McGrath. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 16, 2018, 60.
DOI: 10.1186/s12955-018-0879-x
- "Impact of Training for General Practitioners on Their Mental Health Services: The Hong Kong Experience." T.P. Lam, K.S. Sun, L. Piterman, K.F. Lam, M.K. Poon, C. See & D. Wu. To Appear in The Australian Journal of General Practice, 2018.
- "Do Patients With and Without a Regular Primary Care Physician Have Their Psychological Distress Looked After Differently?" K.S. Sun, T.P. Lam, K.F. Lam, T.L. Lo, D.V.K. Chao, E.W.W. Lam & D. Wu. Journal of Public Health, 2018.
DOI: 10.1093/pubmed/fdy112