We need your support !

The Department always endeavours to provide our students with the best education not only from book learning but also through experiential learning activities so as to broaden our students’ horizon. For instance, we recently organised a 2-week summer exchange programme, in which 20 students were sent to the National School for Statistics and Data Analysis, France to learn statistics, discover another culture and experience student life in a foreign environment. Under the said programme, the 20 participating students received sponsorships for air fare and accommodation.

In order to sustain such kinds of teaching endeavours, we are seeking different funding opportunities, as we believe that overseas learning experience is very important in a student's university life. In this regard, we are seeking your kind donation in support of our teaching endeavours. Alumni can choose to donate individually or in a group. Your donation will be solely used for supporting our teaching and other related activities for students.

We highly appreciate and value any amounts of donation. For those who kindly donate HK$5,000 or above, we will print your name or your group's name in our 50th anniversary booklet according to the following categories:

Donation of HK$100,000 or above Diamond Sponsor
Donation of HK$50,000 - HK$99,999 Platinum Sponsor
Donation of HK$20,000 - HK$49,999 Gold Sponsor
Donation of HK$5,000 - HK$19,999 Silver Sponsor

If you would like to pledge a donation, kindly email us at enquiry1@saas.hku.hk with the following details,
  • Name in English and Chinese
  • Curriculum and Graduation Year (if applicable)
  • Postal Address (acknowledgement will be sent to this address)
  • Company and title
  • Donation amount (HK$)
  • Name/ group name (within 50 characters/space) to be printed in the anniversary booklet
and send us a crossed cheque payable to "The University of Hong Kong" by mail to the Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science, Room 303, Run Run Shaw Building, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong preferably by February 6, 2017 (so that we can include your name/ group name in the anniversary booklet). Please write down your full name on the back of the cheque.

Thank you!